What is Plastic Free July®?

PFJ is an global initiative, to address the increasing problem of plastic pollution that is happening in our oceans and in our communities. The vision is to eliminate single use plastic and it all starts with us, looking at how much we use in our day to day lives. Once you delve in, it’s surprising how much it all adds up.

The campaign encourages you to make a commitment during the month of July to swap some of your single use items for sustainable alternatives.

Since its inception in 2011, it has now become a global movement with over 100+ million participants in 190 countries (PFJ). They hope by making small changes for a month you will be inspired to adopt them long-term.

Check out their website, it’s packed with resources to help you make the changes; everything from packaged lunches to household waste and of course swapping to soaps. Visit them here:

Environmental Benefits of Plastic-Free Living 

Reduce Plastic Pollution: Plastic-free swaps help decrease the amount of plastic ending up in landfills and oceans, where it can cause  harm to wildlife and marine ecosystems.

Lower Carbon Footprint: The production and disposal of plastic contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. By opting for reusable and biodegradable alternatives, we can reduce our carbon footprint and combat climate change.

Conservation of Resources: Plastic production relies heavily on fossil fuels. By decreasing our dependency on plastic, we conserve valuable natural resources and promote the use of sustainable materials.

Protection of Wildlife: Marine animals often mistake plastic waste for food. Reducing plastic pollution helps protect these creatures and maintain biodiversity.

Promoting a Circular Economy: Plastic-free swaps encourage the principles of a circular economy, where products are designed to be reused, repaired, and recycled. This reduces waste and promotes sustainability.

Health Benefits: Many plastic products contain harmful chemicals, which can leach into food and drinks. By using alternatives, we minimise our exposure to these toxins.

Examples Of Swaps:

Shower gel - Soap

Bottled shampoo - Solid bars

Plastic shower puff - Natural loofah sponge

Plastic sanitary products - Reusable wear

Sellotape – Eco-friendly packing tape

Cling film – Wax wraps or re-usable covers

Packaged foods and liquids – Refill options 

Plastic sponges – Cellulose sponge

Plastic bin liners – Compostable or no bin liners

Plastic wrapped fruit & Veg - Local farm shop


Tip: It can sometimes be overwhelming trying to do everything, I’ve definitely felt it over the years, so cut yourself some slack and choose 1 thing to start with and go from there. 

Our commitment to Plastic Free July 2024

Every year we focus on food packaging & fresh salad bags, a constant battle and something we continuously work on...perfection is sadly impossible and we're ok with that! Finding salad in plastic free packaging is NOT easy but we are lucky to have access to local farmers who supply plastic free produce and many supermarkets are now sellling items without packaging, so we alway try to choose those items where we can.  

It's worth researching your local area to find out where you can source local, plastic free produce...and you'll be supporting your local farmers. 

Good luck if you're taking part this year. 

Andrea x